The Evolution Of Monitors

One of the first displays that was developed over a century ago was the cathode ray tube monitors, which are now a thing of the past.

There are frequent innovations made in monitors and their displays in the market such as LCD, LED and OLED .


LCD (liquefied crystal display) :

LCD models first saw the light of the day in 1972.  For a long time LCD’s were very expensive to produce and purchase. LCD’s were less bulkier because they didn’t need CRT in them, therefore it helped the designers to create LCD’s with better designs. They also consume less energy and had sharper images and since there were no CRT’s there were no more health concern around radiation.

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LED (light emitting diode):

LED display is a flat screen, flat panel monitor or television. The difference between  LED and LCD is the back-lighting, the first LCD monitors used CCFL instead of LED’s to light up the screen. LED’s have very short depth and are lighter in weight. They are cheaper and are overall more reliable. They run at a lower temperature and consume less power and hence have a lesser environmental impact. They have a broader dimming range and a higher dynamic contrast ratio and have a longer lifespan.

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OLED (Organic light emitting diode) :

OLED monitor are flat computer displays which consist of pixels made from OLED’s rather than liquid crystal filled units. OLED technology is the next step in the evolution of the displays as it does away with the back-light entirely. OLED’s are more efficient when displaying black and dark colors. since there is no back-light it has a lower power consumption compare to LCD’s and it also has a wider viewing angle.

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Despite all these innovations in monitor technology its important to remember the transitions that were made to reach this point.

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